Thursday, 3 June 2010

Locarno Triathlon 2009

What can I say?

I was absolutely dreading the actual event & even considered not doing it as the knee was still not 100%.

I was only able to swim most of the summer with no cycling or running at all until two weeks before the event when I tried to squeeze in as much training as possible.

Swimming was no problem except for the boredom & the fish frightening me as they were not afraid of me & I managed about 160km of cycling over 10 days.

I didnt feel ready to practise uphills since I didnt feel the knee could handle it though the actual race had a couple of steep hills.

Since I dislike running I thought waterskiing could replace the run & I foolishly tried a few new moves to increase the rooster tail leaving me with aching pecs, shoulders & stomach muscles!

The night before the big day there were heavy strong winds causing the lake temp to drop 4C down to 20C but I refused to wear a wetsuit.

The day turned out gorgeous & our late take off time at 5.45pm was a blessing as it would have been much too hot earlier on.

As always the swim was a breeze which I always enjoy.

The bike was difficult uphill against a slight wind.

Coming down I had to put the brakes on at 44kph as I'm too frightened of the speed.

I managed to shuffle the 5km run with a few walks to rest the knee.

I was so pleased to complete it & even enjoyed it despite the extremely slow time which was even slower than last year with the wind & rain!

It was great doing it with Ed & Sheery. Thank you to all our generous donors once again.

Watch this space for 2010.

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